The HORRIFICALLY BARBARIC African Dog and Cat Meat Trade is funded and linked to the UK US and other global countries.
The General public are NOT aware that when they buy products made in these countries such products made with cocoa from in Ghana Nigeria and other African countries that they are financially funding these HORRIFIC animals’ cruelty trades such as Brutal dog and cat meat trade Donkey skin trade and illegal wildlife trade.
Investigations have exposed that many African tribes such as Dagaaba, Ewes, Ashantis, and De Frafras are some of the many other tribes and their Chiefs including some Christians in Africa are running and operating the BARBARIC Dog and Cat meat trade and involved in the SICKENING DISEASED Live Animal markets which are a DEADLY to Animals and the Public Health.
The African dog and cat meat traders are aligning themselves to companies in the UK and other countries globally and using it to sell their UNETHICAL products such as Cocoa / Chocolates, coffee, pharmaceuticals Chemicals and other products to make money extorting the public of their money.
These Animal cruelty tribes and their trades are being funded by the British US global companies and sold to the unsuspecting UK and global public through the purchasing of their products that come from countries such as Ghana Nigeria and other African countries.
Ghana's main exports are gold, cocoa beans and timber products. Others include tuna, aluminium, manganese ore, diamonds and horticulture. Its main exports partners are Netherlands, Burkina Faso, South Africa and United Kingdom.
Cocoa is the chief agricultural export of Ghana and Ghana's main cash crop.
Ghana is the second largest cocoa exporter in the world, after Ivory Coast then Indonesia Nigeria and other African countries.
These Cocoa farmers especially in Ghana and Nigeria are run by Uncivilised tribes who are involved in their barbaric treatment and slaughter of dogs and cats for human consumption and also involved in Torturous Animal sacrifices yet they mistakenly believe they can fool the civilised world and try to extort money from them by working with Fairtrade and so-called ethical companies and skimming the surface by their minimal so called social change programs such as the Ghanaian Divine Chocolate which is being sold in the UK and worldwide.
The Barbaric treatment of the Animals in Ghana Nigeria and other African countries is not only Immoral but also Dangerous to Animals as well as Public Health as outlined by the World Health Organisation in form of spreading infectious deadly diseases and viruses Covid19 Omicron Rabies Cholera and many other viruses.
Yet these Animal Cruelty tribes in Ghana Nigeria Africa continue torturing and skinning dogs and cats and other animals alive butchering them for human consumption whilst they try to peddle their blood-soaked products such as Gold, Cacao and other products made in Ghana Nigeria Africa sold in the UK and other countries.
These tribes and their so-called ethical partners companies hide this barbarity from the media and the public as they continue their involvement with the barbaric massacres of innocent animals.
Many of the companies involved such as: Divine Chocolate the KOOPA Kuapa Kokoo who oversee 2000 Cacao farmers from theses tribes in Ghana.
Hotel de Chocolate Divine Chocolate who source Cacao from Ghana also Tony’s chocolate and others who have the so-called fair-trade labels.
Some of these so called vegan vegetarian chocolate are a fake front which covers up the barbaric nature of these tribes’ who make these products and their real businesses lack of ethics and morals.
70% cacao comes out Ghana and although the President of Ghana has suggested holding back export of raw materials it still continues to be exported to the UK and other countries.
In 2019/2020, Ghana is estimated to have produced about 800 thousand tons of cocoa beans, a decrease from approximately 812 thousand tons in 2018/2019.
Kuapa Kokoo cocoa farmers' cooperative has over 45000 members from 1200 villages throughout central Ghana. The cooperative produces 1% of the world's cocoa and 4% of that is sold to the Fairtrade market. In 1997 Kuapa Kokoo members voted to establish a chocolate company in the UK. The Day Chocolate Company was set up in 1998 to deliver a delicious Fairtrade chocolate in the main market, and Kuapa Kokoo owns a third of the shares.
There are so many tribes involved in the DCMT that are registered farmers of Cocao and the Kuapa Kokoo
It’s not just one of these tribes that financially benefit from Cocao it’s all the ones that are involved
·Ashantis, Dagaaba, Ewes,and De Frafras are the name of the tribes in all regions of Ghana many have derived from these tribes,
Based on our investigations 70% of cocoa is coming out of Ghana therefore any chocolate in the UK that are using Cocoa from Ghana is being farmed by Farmers who are part of the dog and cat meat trade
Divine Chocolate is one of many brands that have cocoa coming from Ghana Tonys are another brand pride themselves as being ethical as well.
Divine Chocolates have Fairtrade certification, vegan certification and are approved by the soil association.
Twin Trading was an alternative trading company in the United Kingdom. It was founded in 1985 and was based in London.
Twin Trading was wholly owned by Twin, a registered charity and membership organisation.
1988 it began to import coffee, sold through Oxfam and Traidcraft, leading to the 1988 founding of Cafédirect by Twin with Oxfam, Traidcraft and Equal Exchange Trading. In 1993, Twin helped chocolate farmers in Ghana to found the Kuapa Kokoo co-operative,
1998 Divine Chocolate was formed largely owned by Kuapa Kokoo, to market Fairtrade chocolate. Which is not Fairtrade given these farmers are dog and cat meat traders.
Please email Fair trade, Soil Association and Rain Forest Alliance and Log your complaint and ask them to immediately to stop endorsing these companies that are involved with the Dog and Cat Meat Trade and remove the certification labels from their products.
As these are clearly NOT ethical Fair trade companies. As the African tribes involved with the production of cocoa are involved with torturing and butchering of cats and dogs animal and the sickening dog and cat meat trade.
Contact the Fair Trade Association
Call us at: (0)20 7440 7676 (Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm)
Please contact Fair trade, Soil Association and Rain Forest Alliance send protest letters emails and call them.
Dear Sir/Madam,
A serious matter has been brought to the attention of our Coalition which is made up of global Animal rights organisations collaborating for a cruelty free Africa which includes Animals.
I am writing to you to ask you to immediately remove your certification and labels from all products containing Cocoa that is being produced in Ghana Nigeria and other African countries involved in the Barbaric dog and cat meat trade.70 %Cocoa is being produced from Ghana.
The Kuapa Kokoo who currently use your labels on their products and marketing has 2000 farmers and currently has 100,000 registered farmers across Ghana. KKFU is certified under Vegan Trademark.
These farmers especially in Ghana and Nigeria belong to these various Unethical barbaric tribes such as Dagaaba, Ewes, Ashantis, and De Frafras who are involved in the horrific Animal cruelty trades.
These tribes and their Chiefs are running and operating the Barbaric Dog and Cat meat trade and involved in the Sickening DISEASED Live Animal markets which are a DEADLY to Animals and the Public Health.
Additionally, they are abusing dogs and using them as currency especially in the regions where there are no LIVE animal markets the farmers are being paid with Dogs and these farmers are the dog and cat meat traders of Ghana Nigeria Africa.
Divine Chocolate, Tony’s and many more UK Worldwide confectionery and other companies are using Cocoa from Ghana Nigeria Africa Indonesia and are using your endorsement of their products to deceive the public of their unethical immoral and cruel so-called businesses.
They deflect by skimming the surface with minimal fake social programs to lure companies and the public to buy and endorse their products, yet the reality is their can no be social change when they are torturing and skinning dogs cats’ wildlife for human consumption and Animal Sacrifices.
This barbarity is happening across Ghana Nigeria and more the 22 countries in Africa.The general public are being made aware that when they buy products made in these countries such products made with cocoa in Ghana Nigeria and other African countries that they are financially funding these HORRIFIC animal cruelty trades such as Brutal dog and cat meat trade, Donkey skin trade, illegal wildlife trade and Animal sacrifices.
Additionally, there are more then 22 petitions that have been currently signed by the global millions demanding an end to these Animals cruelty trades not only in China SEAsia but also Africa as they are DEADLY to Animals and the public health in the form of fatal diseases such as Covid 19 Omicron Cholera Rabies as highlighted by the World Health Organisation.
We urge to you remove your certification and labels from the KKFU and these companies involved, and the products produced from these tribes and investigate this urgent matter.
There are worldwide campaigns launched to raise public awareness to boycott and defund the Barbaric dog and Cat meat trade and other Animal cruelty trades.
There is international agreements which has already been signed by the US Germany and other countries to Globally ban the Horrific Dog and cat meat trade.
To promote or endorse these companies and tribes is promoting and funding Animal cruelty and I’m sure you do not want that association to your Organisation.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Kind Regards
Ban BARBARIC Animal Cruelty Trades Implement Enforce Animal Protection Law in Africa
Ban Ghana's Barbaric Dog & Cat Meat Trade & Animal Sacrifices Ban LIVE Animal Markets
Stop Nigeria's Barbaric Dog Meat Industry
African Petitions To Ban the Dog & Cat Meat Trade , Animal Sacrifices & Live Animal Markets
Kuapa Kokoo BAN the BARBARIC Dog & Cat Meat Trade & Animal Sacrifices in your Tribes Ghana
CrueltyFree Tourism Africa petition