Greyhounds Pets Not A Bets !
The Greyhound Racing industry is inherently cruel and barbaric. This is not a SPORT the sheer cruelty is horrific and vile. From cradle to the grave these loyal dogs suffer immense cruelty due to the racing and betting industry.
Greyhounds that don’t make the grade or become surplus to requirement are murdered using horrific methods. Greyhounds are locked up 24hrs a day and only let out to race in horrific conditions as more recently exposed in 38 degrees heat , where they can suffer injuries , heart attacks ,heat stroke and other fatalities. Nearly every track has a freezer where they put the dead bodies of healthy Greyhounds that the track vet have killed using lethal injections. Piles and piles of dead dogs lie in these freezers.
Many other Greyhounds are passed from trainer to trainer and only the lucky dogs end up in rescue centres for abandon dogs but the majority of Greyhounds are found mutilated or with their ears cut off to prevent the identity of the abuser/owner/trainer being found through the tattoo numbers insider their ears.
Greyhounds are also bludgeon, beaten ,shot, buried alive, drowned with a heavy weight tied around their neck. As in the case of beautiful Rusty ,who was murdered having a weight tied around his neck. Rusty RIP.
Global Ban on the Export of Greyhounds Apart for Rescue Purposes Only.
Greyhounds in Ireland, UK, Australia, New Zealand, Spain and USA are being exported for racing and breeding to countries (China, Korea, Pakistani & Cambodia) involved in the Dog and Cat Meat Trade. As well as countries that do not have any Animal Welfare Laws. These Greyhounds are bred and kept in the most horrific conditions imprisoned for 24hrs a day, only taken out to be raced or for Dogfighting. Dogs that don’t make the grade become surplus to requirements and are sold off to the barbaric Dog and Cat Meat Trade, where they end up in either in slaughterhouses, Dog Meat farms, Dog Meat Restaurants or Live Animal Markets to be slaughtered for Human Consumption.
Barbaric practices are being carried out on Greyhounds in countries where there are little or no animal welfare laws. For example, Greyhounds are being found in the Chinese Dog Meat Trade and are also being poisoned by IV administered 'Ecotraz' in Vietnam (A highly painful death) and are regularly being shipped from the UK to Pakistan, Caged have been told by Pakistan Citizens that they are only used to race for one season and are occasionally passed on to the Pig hunters, where they will meet an horrific end when used to fight wild boar. )
As well as being exported , Greyhounds are being used for Dogfighting with dogs much larger than Greyhounds. The Dogs are forced to fight for their survival and then sold for Human Consumption.
Although Racing illegal in China, there are many Greyhounds that are bred specifically for underground racing. Charities have found prize winning Greyhounds that have been shipped to China and bred for years while their paperwork suggests that they are still in Ireland or the UK.

Petition: Say NO To All LIVE Greyhound Exports For Commercial 'USE'
Greyhound Racing in the UK
Greyhound racing in the United Kingdom takes place on both licensed and independent tracks. The Greyhound Board of Great Britain (GBGB) is the governing body for twenty-two licensed tracks in England and Scotland. Which in the last couple months has decreased seeing the closure of tracks in Manchester and Poole.
At last count, approximately 83% of Greyhounds racing in the United Kingdom are Irish-bred.In 2008, there were 8,000 Greyhounds exported to Britain from Ireland. In regards to Greyhounds bred in the United Kingdom, a total of 312 litters of Greyhounds were born in Great Britain in 2012. Almost 1,000 racing greyhounds died or were killed last year, according to industry figures, prompting Animal Welfare charities to renew calls for an end to the sport in the UK.
Information from GREY2K USA Worldwide,
Racing dogs spend 95% of their time in small, barren kennels without social contact. Those that are housed in pairs are kept constantly muzzled which is highly distressing for them.
Many are neglected and suffer fleas, worms, untreated injuries, malnutrition and dental problems. .Poorly maintained tracks and racing frequency cause painful, and often lethal, injuries such as broken backs and shattered limbs.
Shockingly, the industry is allowed to keep injury records secret.At least 10,000 Dogs are deemed surplus to requirements every year. 8,000 are retired racers, the rest are young dogs that didn't make the grade.British charities re-home many surplus Dogs, but thousands are unaccounted for each year. Some are abandoned, some killed crudely, others sold for dissection.
Greyhound Racing in the Ireland
The Greyhound Racing industry in the Republic of Ireland is regulated and promoted by the commercial semi-state body the Irish Greyhound Board (IGB). There are currently 15 IGB licensed Greyhound racing tracks in the country. There are also five independent "flapper" tracks that are not overseen by an industry body, but are instead licensed by the city and town councils in which they are located. Finally, there is one track in Northern Ireland, which is regulated by the Irish Coursing Club.
RTÉ Investigates: Greyhounds Running for Their Lives reported that 5,987 Greyhounds were slaughtered in 2017 because they failed to make qualification times or their performance had declined. Many Greyhounds are being culled at knackeries – with one company saying it shot dogs in bulk – in breach of a regulation that only veterinary practitioners can euthanise Greyhounds.
The IGB has Racing Regulations that include rules for betting and prize money, doping policies and requirements for racing officials.Additionally, the Irish government passed the Welfare of Greyhounds Act in 2011 that sets standards for certain Greyhound breeding operations and general welfare requirements for housing, transport and record keeping.
Many charities and organisation are exposing tracks and trainers that have breached regulations, with Greyhounds being kept in the most appalling conditions, where they are abused by being raced on injuries and many Greyhounds are subjected to drugs such as cocaine to enhance their performance.
In the Republic of Ireland the Greyhound Racing industry receives Government funding through the Horse and Greyhound Racing Fund. Between 2001 through 2019 more than €250 million will have been paid out to the IGB from this Fund. In 2020 the Government are still support the cruel and inherent Greyhound Racing Industry while children in poverty are given less funding from the government and year in and out justify the funding from the government.
Many charities and organisations are out campaigning to shut down race tracks and exposing Bags Racing. Shelbourne Park being a track which many campaigners protest week after to week show their support and raise awareness.
Bags Racing is where Greyhounds are raced 24 hrs a and streamed LIVE across the world. Bags Races are controlled by Betting Companies such as William Hill and Coral with no regulations. Greyhounds are raced a number times in one evening and in some cases raced with injuries to allow the trainer to be paid.
Spanish Galgos
Each year, approximately 60,000 Spanish Galgos (hunting dogs) are abandoned or tortured to death in Spain, especially in the communities of Castile and Leon, Extremadura and Andalusia.
The Galgos are used by hunters (Galgueros) to hunt hares. The dogs live their lives in atrocious circumstances cramped together in dirty tiny sheds without daylight and possibility to move, ill and on the brink of starvation, deprived of human care and affection.
After the end of the hunting season, the hunters get rid of most of their dogs by abandoning them or by destroying them in the most horrendous ways. Massive and uncontrolled overbreeding makes it less costly to buy new galgos each year than to keep the old ones.
By tradition, the dogs are often killed by hanging them by their necks with their feet just touching the ground, swaying back and forth causing the dogs extreme pain and agony for several days until they die. Other traditional ways to murder the dogs are to throw them into abandoned wells covering them with burning wood, beat them with rocks or bury or burn them alive. The hunters believe that the more the dogs suffer, the more successful the following hunting season will be.
The abandoned Dogs often die of starvation or injuries, and if they are caught they are mostly brought to municipal killing stations. A few are rescued by shelters where they are rehabilitated after which they have a chance to find a forever home. Unfortunately many Spaniards consider galgos to be unsuitable as companion animals, so most of the galgos are adopted abroad.
With no EU legislation exists concerning the welfare of dogs, and the Spanish authorities are unwilling to address this matter in any way. Without a massive international movement the situation is not likely to change, and these noble, beautiful and gentle dogs are deemed to continue their terrible suffering.

Ban Greyhound Racing Worldwide
Australia Mexico , United States Vietnam Korea China Cambodia
We are calling for the abolishing of Greyhound Racing Worldwide
You bet they Die
Never bet on a Greyhound or Dog or Horse
The General public to NEVER attend or bet on Greyhound Racing, so the industry fades away through lack of support.
Stop export of Greyhound unless for Rescue Purposes only
Rescue a Greyhound
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Contact Your MP
You can contact your MP with your concerned they can raise this in parliament on your behalf . You can work with them in what is the best way of debating the issue in parliament, what measures are currently in place how legislation can be brought forward .