Ban The Consumption Dog and Cat in the United Kingdom
Contact the Government and Prime
Minister Boris Johnson
Campaigners including the World Dog Alliance, and several MPs, have called for the consumption of dog meat to be explicitly banned. Although there is an acceptance that it is not a major issue in this country, campaigners argue that it would send an important message to other countries.
There is currently an Early Day Motion on dog meat with 24 signatures calling for the Animal Welfare Act 2006 to be amended “to make the eating of dog meat in the UK illegal and to close the loophole that is there at present”.[1] In addition, a parliamentary petitioncalling for a ban on the killing of dogs or cats for the purpose of meat consumption was launched on 17 February 2019, and had 1,785 signatories by 20 February 2019.
In December 2018, the USA passed a ban on the practice through provisions in their farm Bill. When we have a country the size of the USA that recognises the issue and takes the steps legally to prevent it happening, I think it is time that we in the United Kingdom look at the same thing.
Let us be honest: it is a simple thing to ask for. We should not have to have a debate on the matter—it should be simple—but we want to remind our Government here in the United Kingdom that it could be included in upcoming provisions on animal welfare.[2]
The decision taken in the US refers to the Dog and Cat Meat Trade Prohibition Act of 2018:
This bill prohibits persons from knowingly slaughtering a dog or cat for human consumption. In addition, the bill prohibits persons from knowingly transporting, possessing, buying, selling, or donating: (1) a dog or cat to be slaughtered for human consumption, or (2) dog or cat parts for human consumption.
The Prohibition Act forms part of the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018 passed in December 2018, commonly referred to as the Farm Bill.[3]
During the presentation of a Ten-minute Rule Bill, Dog Meat (Consumption) (Offences), on 19 February 2018 Bill Wiggin set out the reasoning for proposing ban. He highlighted the poor welfare standards in countries where dog meat is consumed, and moves by a number of other countries where there is no consumption of dog meat to introduce a ban:
It may seem extraordinary, but consuming dog meat is currently not illegal in the UK. Luckily, there is no evidence that dogs are eaten in the UK yet, but due to the vile way in which dogs are treated in China, I would like our country to join in setting an example to the world. China argues that, until we make it illegal, why should they?
Two months ago, a ban on the human consumption of dog meat was passed in the United States, following Germany, Austria, South Australia, Taiwan and Hong Kong. This Bill is an opportunity for the UK Government to join those countries in introducing a ban, which is particularly important as the conditions under which dogs are farmed, transported and slaughtered are deliberately cruel. It is believed that inflicting suffering raises an animal’s adrenaline levels, tenderising its meat and adding medicinal properties.[4
Government position
The Government responded to a Parliamentary Question on 31 October 2018 to the call for banning consumption of dog meat, by highlighting that it is already illegal to sell dog and cat meat for human consumption:
It is already illegal to sell dog and cat meat for human consumption and the Government has seen no evidence that dog or cat meat is being sold or consumed in this country.[5]
In response to a question in December 2018 on the US ban on the human consumption of dog meat the Government stated
We are aware that the USA has legislated to ban the slaughter of dogs for human consumption although we have not discussed the specific issues with the US Administration.[6]
In August, 2018 an article on the BBC News website quoted Theresa May's official spokesman responding to the US introduction of a ban:
The commercial trade in dog meat in the UK is illegal, but we will look closely at the decision taken in the US.
Britain is a nation of animal lovers and we continue to have some of the highest animal welfare standards in the world..
To President/Prime Minister
I urge you to outlaw the barbaric Dog and Cat Meat Trade which is a Danger to Animals and Human Health.
The Dogs and Cats of (Your Country ) need protection from ruthless criminal traders that torture abuse and murder these helpless animals for human consumption.
Dogs and Cats are Not food but are loyal companion animals that should be treated with kindness and respect and not brutalised and eaten.
The brutal dog and cat meat traders but are putting human health at risk from consumption of dogs and cats in form of Cholera Rabies and other fatal diseases and now COVID 19.
I urge you to ban the Sickening Dog And Cat Meat Trade/ Traders who are financially profiting from the suffering of animals and humans.
Not only are you helping address a serious animal welfare issue, but it is remarkable to see this important public health issue being addressed
I ask you to protect the Dogs and Cats of Nigeria and Outlaw the dog and cat meat trade and implement and enforce Animal Protection laws.
(add your name)