Shut Down Illegal Dog Farms in Korea

The Animals Need Your Help Please Be Their Voice Today!

In South Korea, dogs are intensively farmed for human consumption, often kept in appalling conditions. They are only provided with minimal food and water, housed outdoors in small cages without protection from the scorching summers or freezing winters. Many dogs suffer from disease and malnutrition, enduring daily neglect. The methods used to kill them are exceptionally cruel, with electrocution being the most common practice.

Four out of 10 dog meat farms in Korea have voluntarily shut down following the government's declaration that dog meat trade will no longer be legal starting 2027, the government said Sunday.

According to the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, 623 local dog meat farms have voluntarily shut down since a special law banning raising and slaughtering dogs for food purposes was enacted in August. The figure accounts for 40 percent of the total 1,537 registered dog meat farms in the country.

Among the closed farms, small-size farms, which cages 300 or fewer dogs, accounted for the most closures, with 449. Among medium-size farms, handling 300 to 1,000 dogs, 153 have closed, and 21 large-size farms, carrying over 1,000 dogs, have reported their shutdown.

The government aims to eradicate all dog meat trade in the country, including farming and distribution, before the start of 2027. To reach this goal, authorities are currently encouraging all local dog meat traders to voluntarily terminate their businesses.

The ministry anticipates that approximately 938 farms, or about 60 percent of all dog meat farms, will shut down by the end of this year.

Korea Animal Rights Advocates (KARA) has a dog farm archive map which lists the dog farms throughout South Korea. Click HERE to learn more. Click HERE for the list of e-People petitions we had filed for each city.

All information is from the is being shared.